Book of Kells Online Animation

The Anne Sullivan Foundation recently consulted with Trinity College, Dublin to make their Book of Kells exhibition more accessible to children who are Deaf and hard of hearing, blind and visually impaired, and deafblind.
They have adapted 2 animated videos entitled “Seagull, Seagull” and “The Very Long Room” with captions, ISL interpreting and audio descriptions. The animations can be found on the Education section of their website: Link to Book of Kells info on Trinity College website
Feel free to share the link to animations with anyone who might enjoy them.
It is lovely to see Irish attractions and heritage sites striving to make their educational materials more accessible to diverse learners.  We encourage others to reach out to us if they would like more information on how to make their organisation’s visitor media more accessible to individuals who are deafblind.
Picture courtesy of