Anne Sullivan centre houses and front gardens in sunshineInteracting in the world without sight or hearing can be hugely challenging for people who are deafblind. In some cases, sensory disabilities can be coupled with additional intellectual and physical disabilities and emotional and mental health issues. The Anne Sullivan Centre offers a residential service to those who require an advanced level of support to reach their full potential.

Alternative forms of communication such as adapted and formal sign language, concrete symbols, intensive interaction, pictures and PECs are used by staff at the centre to ensure that residents can access information and voice their opinions. The centre aims to embrace the uniqueness of each person who is deafblind by offering them personalised activity and communication plans and supporting them to make their own decisions.

Adults using the service are facilitated to pursue meaningful, active and fulfilling lives through a range of leisure activities, outings and accessing services in their community.

Service Users currently live in four semi-detached homes and two self-contained apartments, which are located in the Centre’s main building. All service users have their own room and individual care plan and staff who are available to them 24 hours a day.