Deafblindness: An Introductory Lecture

The Anne Sullivan Centre were delighted to partner with  The Centre for Deaf Studies Trinity College on Oct 18th  in delivering an introductory lecture on the topic of deafblindness.

Catherine McDonald, Deirdre Leech and Heather Colson Osborne from the Anne Sullivan Centre collaborated with Aila Mikkola from The Humak University of Applied Sciences, Helsinki to deliver the lecture.

The content included offering a definition of deafblindness and demonstrated  the many ways in which people who are deafblind communicate and interact. The speakers also discussed  current teaching methods used to support deafblind people in educational settings and explored the impact and implications of dual sensory impairment.

This enjoyable and interactive lecture gave attendees the opportunity to simulate  deafblind experiences and to use varied deafblind communication methods such as sign language, tactile symbols and haptices.

Many thanks to The Centre for Deaf Studies Trinity College for hosting this  lecture as part of their seminar series.