Suzanne Carey in an independent interpreter who has been involved with the Deaf Community since 2001. She regularly provides close-vision Irish Sign Language/English interpreting services for people with deafblindness.
She graduated from the Centre for Deaf Studies (Trinity College Dublin) in 2006 with a Diploma in ISL/English Interpreting, and in 2009 she obtained the R1 grade in the SLIS accreditation process. Suzanne has also completed CPD in the area of deafblindness.
Suzanne is a member of CISLI (Council of Irish Sign Language Interpreters).
She has a Masters in PR with New Media (CIT, 2018). Her primary degree is a BA in Applied Languages (French/Spanish, DCU), following which she worked as a full-time Spanish-English financial translator in Madrid, Spain.
Suzanne is available for work on-site in Cork City and County.
She is also available for remote interpreting assignments over a variety of video communication platforms.