Upcoming CHARGE Syndrome Workshop

“Supporting individuals with CHARGE syndrome in educational and clinical settings”

The Anne Sullivan Centre is pleased to announce that it will host a professional workshop on CHARGE syndrome on  Friday, October 13, 2017  from 1-4pm at Athlone Institute of Technology . This should be of interest  to all classroom teachers, visiting teachers, SNAs, Social Workers, Speech Therapists, Occupational Therapists, Physical Therapists, Audiologists, Psychologists, Orthoptists and  Ophthalmologists working with people with CHARGE syndrome

Gail Deuce, a specialist teacher and expert in CHARGE Syndrome, is coming over from the UK to give an informative lecture and answer your questions on charge syndrome. Gail has a wealth of knowledge and experience to share with us and we are excited for her talk.

Learn more about Gail.

To hold a space in this workshop, please send expressions of interest to:

Deirdre Leech:  dleech@annesullivan.ie

Please indicate any special requirements needed  such as an interpreter when you reply